If you’re stuck deciding between a denture reline or getting new dentures, you’re most likely very familiar with how dentures work already. What you may not know, however, is which choice is best given your particular circumstance. We’ve put together several reasons to support each option accompanied by beneficial information to help you to remain confident in dental care, your dentist, and your smile.
What is a denture reline?
A denture reline is a procedure in general dentistry where a set of dentures is readjusted to accommodate for changes in the patient’s gums or jaw structure. During the procedure, a dentist alters or adds material to the inner plate that rests against the gums. This realignment is designed to make the dentures fit more comfortably, alleviate pain, and improve longevity. However, it is important to note that the fit of the denture is the only aspect that changes with a denture reline. Some relines can be completed in one visit, however, most require processing by a lab. These relines can take a bit longer to complete. Your dentist will know which type of reline is appropriate for you.
When should I get a denture reline?
Denture relines are typically needed every one or two years. However, your dentist can reline your dentures as often as necessary. Keep in mind that relines usually require work in the laboratory, and may leave you without your dentures for several days. If the fit of your dentures becomes mildly uncomfortable or painful, but you are happy with the overall look of your dentures, a denture reline is the best investment and course of action.
When should I get new dentures?
Dentures typically last five to seven years. However, if the discomfort of your dentures becomes severe enough that a denture reline does not suffice, you may want to discuss new dentures with an experienced dentist. The best dentists notice possible differences in overall comfort and longevity that could be achieved through new dentures with small tweaks and changes in design. If these enhancements are significant enough to the patient, a new set of dentures may be the ideal solution.
In making this decision, communication is key between the dentist and the patient. A thorough examination by an experienced dentist can help to spark the necessary conversations and provide a viable solution. Dr. Vascimini has years of experience with dentures and denture relines and knows what is and isn’t plausible. His expert listening skills and exceptional dental expertise allow him to set proper expectations for his patients and deliver the perfect solution for your specific scenario.
At Masterpiece Dental Studio, your comfort is our highest priority. With over 30 years in practice, Dr. Frank J. Vascimini and his staff offer in-depth knowledge and cutting-edge equipment to deliver exceptional dental procedures and an unmatched quality of experience. Masterpiece Dental Studio is the premier dental care facility in Citrus County, Florida. Whether you are calling from Crystal River, Lecanto, Inverness, Beverly Hills, Dunnellon, Citrus Hills, Citrus Springs, or right here in Homosassa, Dr. Vascimini and his team can schedule an appointment to meet your needs.
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