For the Best Dental Care, Know Your Options

For the Best Dental Care, Know Your Options

“If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”  When Dr. Frank Vascimini moved into his first apartment with his wife, Rita, they didn’t know what aspects of the property they might have to fix. Dr. Vascimini faced a similar circumstance when he opened his general dentistry office in Citrus County, Florida

Denture Reline or New Dentures: How Do You Know What’s Best?

If you’re stuck deciding between a denture reline or getting new dentures, you’re most likely very familiar with how dentures work already. What you may not know, however, is which choice is best given your particular circumstance. We’ve put together several reasons to support each option accompanied by beneficial information to help you to remain

A Beginners Guide to Dentures

A Beginners Guide to Dentures

Getting dentures can be an intimidating decision to make. From prices to procedure, we know there’s a lot to consider and quality can’t be compromised when it comes to your teeth. The best dentists are transparent and supportive from the first appointment to the last. We’re here to answer your questions about new or replacement